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                     Tallit by Elissa

            Price List

           November 2018



Click on any picture to see a larger view. 

All items are original works and so may look slightly different from those pictured.  Most designs available in different color schemes.

To purchase, please contact Elissa at image003 or call (650) 948-0873


Tallit Bags also available



Creation Day 1 tallit  Let there be light_s.jpg


Creation Day 1 Let There Be Light         $225


Creation Day 2 tallit  Waters Above and Below_s.jpg


Creation Day 2 Waters Above and Below         $225


Creation Day 3 tallit  Oceans Land Plants_s.jpg


Creation Day 3 Ocean Dry-land Plants        $225



Creation Day 4 tallit  Sun Moon Stars_s.jpg


Creation Day 4 Sun Moon Stars         $225



Creation Day 5 tallit  Birds and Fish_s.jpg


Creation Day 5 Birds and Fish         $225



Creation Day 6 tallit  Man and Beasts_s.jpg


Creation Day 6 Man and Beasts         $225




Pomegranate Tree and Torah Tallit_s

Curled Etz Tallit_s


Etz Seasons         $250

Pomegranate Trees and Torah                 $225

Curvy Etz              $225



Stained Glass Etz 2011_s

Pom & Grape tallit_s

Hills Tallit - Front purple_s


Stained Glass Etz         $225

Pomegranates & Grapes                 $250

Hills              $250




image018  image020



Etz Chayim              $250

Grapes Leaves and Grapes   $250


Hatzi Etzim        $250



Twelve Tribes Tallit 2_s.jpg

image020  image022

Etz Roots Tallit_sb


Twelve Tribes        $225

Irises                    $250


Etz Roots              $250




Weeping willow tallit_s


Mogen Dove-id         $225    image013


Weeping Willow         $250 Weeping willow tallit detail_s



Matriach tallit 2011_s    

Lion of Judah tallit_s


Matriarchs        $250    Matriach tallit 2011 detail_s


Lion of Judah        $250   Lion of Judah tallit detail_s  



                              Custom Tallit Available

                                   There is no extra charge for a standard design which is made to order.

                                  Fully custom designs may be subject to a design fee of $25 to $50.



Starry Night Tallit2.jpg                 

Ava pom-kiwi-strawberry tallit_s.jpg 


Skyline tallit


Pomegranante Etz tallit

Sailboat tallit

Koala Tallit_s



       Ava in tallit back_s.jpg      Ava pom-kiwi-strawberry tallit_s.jpg       Ava in tallit front_s.jpg


Jason front_s.jpg             Jason's finished tallit_s.jpg         Jason back_s.jpg

Mollys tallit_s.jpg



Gladish tallit                    GS tallit back_s.jpgGS tallit front_s.jpg                        Iris Dragonfly Tallit detail end2Iris Dragonfly Tallit detail end

Rose Tallit           Jessica tallit_s

SF tallit detail




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